Monday, 28 September 2015

Blood Moon 2015

That's right, last night while i slept the blood moon came. 
And where i live, well it was hmm... well a bit of  let down.
I woke up this morning, and i got on the laptop wanting to see
this bright red beetroot floating in the sky, so i go on Facebook
to check it out. and what do i get greeted by, but photos of it 
around the area i lived. And it was very very disappointing....
Its color was Peach at very best, or maybe pastel orange...

Friday, 25 September 2015

Salvador Dali And John Lennon

Only two known meetings were ever recorded between
Dali and Lennon. One in Paris on 24th of March 1969
while Lennon was on his honeymoon with Yoko. 
Another was when Dali Visited Lennon in his New York
apartment, however there are no photos of this meeting
that i can find on the internet.  

He appeared to own a few Lennon items, i even found
out on one website that claims Dali Own posters, 
coat hangers, framed photos and even a bronze sculptures 
of a mop top lennon. However i am unable to find the 
photos to prove all of these. But it does seem believable. 

Lennon with a Dali Sculpture. And can i say he really does
look like he is thrilled to own it. (Just being sarcastic) 
And below is the photo of Lennon, Dali and Yoko in Paris 
on their honeymoon. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Lennon Lived? 

Ok so sorry for the miss leading heading. But last night i finally
got a chance to watch this film by Peter McNamee. Its called
Let him be, and its the story of a guy and his girlfriend who go 
in search for a 65 year old John Lennon in Canada. The story 
Stars where this guy finds a tape of a guy looking like john lennon
playing guitar, and goes on a wild goose chase in a small town,
with god knows how many different video and audio gadgets.
When he gets to the town he just so happens to find out everyone
(near enough) knows who he really is and is hiding his identity.
In the end of the story Lennon takes off with this guys girlfriend 
and that's where it ends, without actually telling you if or if not
he is Lennon.  But with a very big hint that he has scars on his 
back where he got shot in 1980! 
Anyway, it got me thinking, what if this was real? What if this really
did happen? I'd just like to state that i know this didn't happen and 
that sadly Lennon is dead, but still, it gets you thinking. So i asked a
few beatles fan whats they thought about it, not the movie, but the
actual thought that he might still be alive. I asked 20 people.... 
Out of those 20, a large amount seemed to be angered and annoyed
that i had even mentioned such a thing. What i really Don't understand,
surely any Lennon fan would love to hear he is still here!
Others thought John would never fake his own death and keep out of 
the public eye, (even though he managed to do that very thing, keeping
out of the public eye in the mid to late 70's) And only a very small
number or people i talked to said they would be happy and would
love it to be true. This shocked me as i thought everyone would 
be happy by the idea of Lennon Back from the dead! (so to speak) 
But it seems not everyone agree's with me. Either way, dead or alive
the Lennon name and the music he made will live on forever! 

Monday, 21 September 2015

Interview with Beatles Fan Celeste 

Celeste is a Beatle maniac from North Carolina. She is also 
a drummer and plays piano. Oh and did i mention i'm dating her?
So Celeste who is your favorite Beatle and why?
Well John and because I just think he is the most amazing beatle and 
most inspirational one.
What made john stand out to you from the other three?
Well I think he's amazing and I just prefer him most.
What is your favorite beatle album and favorite beatles song at 
the moment?
Well my favorite is the white album and my favorite at the moment, it's 
kind of hard to choose because they are all wonderful songs.

If you could own one beatle item that the boys owned what would 
you have?
Hard question but I'd probably pick ringo's drum set just because it 
would be amazing to have and use once in awhile (since I wouldn't want 
to break it or anything)
If you you play drums and piano, so if you could go on tour with one 
alive who would it be and why?
well both but if I have to choose one I might choose Ringo but I don't 
know, not as big of a crowd I guess.
out of the two passed beatles who would you gig with and out of all four 
beatles who would you pick?
John Obviously and John of course. 
If you could marry one beatle, kiss another,hug another and spend a 
day with another. who would they be?
Marry John , kiss Paul but on the cheek or something lol 
I'd probably hug George and spend the day with Ringo. 
Although if I could choose all of those as John I would.
For people who didn't know who the beatles were how would u turn 
them on to the fabs? 
Well I'd try playing some of their music for them and seeing if 
they liked it and if they liked it, I'd try to get them a CD and if they kept 
on liking them, I'd expect them to get into the fandom and we'd talk 
about them. 
So if John is your favorite when did he look the best to you our of all of 
his years in your eyes?
well I think all the years.
If you could spend a day with john where would u want to go with him?
Liverpool probably
if you could go on holiday in Liverpool what would be 5 things you would 
hope to do? 
I see Beatles places and stuff like that.I can't exactly name 
five things.

Friday, 18 September 2015

John Lennon's Army Shirt!

The famous Lennon Army shirt that he wore on stage in concert at 
Madison square garden, was one of john's favorite to wear in the early 
part of the 70's Leaving hundreds of photos of him wearing it for 
us to look at.
Aswell as in concert and
around town John also wore it on his television appearance with Yoko 
Ono on the Dick Cavett show in 1971. He explains  how he got the 
shirt here: “It’s very funny, I was in the German Airport, I had an American 
Army mac on and a guy came up and said, I just got out of the Army in 
Vietnam and if you’d like these clothes I’d love to give them to you, 
‘I said alright’, and he sent  me all these Army clothes in the post, A few 
years ago it was.”
Although Lennon thought it came from Vietnam, it in fact was worn by 
U.S Army soldiers around 1970. and used during the Korean war
Although you can buy replica's the original shirt is on display in the 
John Lennon museum in japan. John gave the jacket to his girlfriend 
May Pang in 1975, and wrote a love message to may written inside it. 
And finally below i have added a photo of my very own replica 
jacket that i made.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Lennon Shoe

So i was looking on the web the other night and i found 
some shoes by PRETTY GREEN clothing! By Liam Gallagher!
You know, the guy from Oasis, wanted to be John Lennon.
Well these lovely shoes are for sale on his website, for those 
few beatles fans that know everything, they will instantly 
know that the band at the top matches the guitar strap john
lennon used on the rooftop concert with the beatles. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Today we welcome the return to our blog of Estefy Lennon
recently back from her line up of gigs in Liverpool for Beatle
Week, where fans gather year after year to enjoy tribute acts
from all around the world. 
So Estefy How was Liverpool? and your journey there?
wonderful.It's a dream come true you know.Everything was fantastic in 
How many shows did you do while there with your band?
I made 14 gigs 12 with the band and 2 solo in the Royal Court theatre.
What was it like preforming at the cavern club?
It was great.I was really excited to be playing where the beatles began!!!

What was the highlights of your trip there?
The first gig was really excited because it was the first.We opened the 
beatleweek,we were the first band who played.So imagine how we were 
feeling.All the gist were fantastic not only for our emotion but people!! 
the public was words!
Will you be coming back to england any time soon? 
Hope to come back next year.I loved it
Did you meet anyone beatle related when you were there?
I met lot of musician related with the beatles and Julia Baird,
May pang,Bob Gruen,David(lennon's cousin),Earl Slick,Donovan,
Mark Hudson,the quarrymen etc.
How was beatles fest and did you get to see many other acts?
It was a dream as I said before. And yeah sometimes we went out to see 
other bands playing beatles.
for anyone that hasn't been to beatle week in liverpool,  what would you 
say to them?  

Monday, 14 September 2015

A Discussion On Dali

With Dali Fan Anna Frawley.

posters by jay kelly, paintings by salvador dali. i dont own them
or the rights to them, i am just a big fan of his artwork and wanted
to share them (photos found on google) 

The Face of War
I will be sharing my views on these art pieces and so will Anna 
Frawley. And first she joins me to discuss this amazing painting. 
I personally think it shows the tortured spirits of those who fight at 
war, and it shows the metal and psychological effects war can have on 
someone as well as the the other effects and risks like dying....
show in the skulls. The snakes appear to be two different sides ready to 
fight each other and in a battle.
Well said, Jay. The endlessly repeating death and decay. The miserable 
face of the corpse sees only death. Death is reflected in the eyes are the 
corps. Brilliant take on the horror of war.
and in the corner the hand print.... do if you look carefully it looks like 
bodies are laying in graves? do you think that could be the case?
It looks like buried bodies?
yes but as you see it is a hand print and i think that kind of details are 
wonderful in his art... maybe he is saying that they died at the HANDS 
of war.
YES! This is what he said himself about it: "I was entering a period 
of rigor and asceticism which was going to dominate my style, my 
thoughts, and my tormented life. Spain on fire would light up 
this drama of the renaissance of aesthetics. Spain would serve as a 
holocaust to that post-war Europe tortured by ideological dramas, by 
moral and artistic anxieties - at one fell swoop, from the middle of the 
Spanish cadaver springs up. Half devoured by vermin and ideological 
worms, the Iberian penis in erection, huge like a cathedral filled with the 
white dynamite of hatred. Bury and unbury! Disinter and inter in order 
to unbury again! Such was the charnel desire of the Civil War in that 
impatient Spain. One would see how she was capable of suffering, of 
making others suffer, of burying and unburying, of killing and resurrecting. 
It was necessary to scratch the earth to exhume tradition and to profane 
everything in order to be dazzled anew by all the treasures that the land 
was hiding in its entrails."

Lobster Telephone 
This time not a painting. but still very interesting.
A classic example of a Surrealist object. I believe Dali thought  that
 such objects could reveal the secret desires of the unconscious. Lobsters 
and telephones had strong sexual connotations for  him.
i personally love art like this,  it must have taken minutes to create, 
but the color of the lobster and the black of the telephone really is again in 
my eye his great use or light and dark don't you think?
It's striking, very symbolic, surrealistic and beautiful. I agree with you on 
the colour combination.

Christ of Saint John of the Cross
I personally think that the whole Jesus story is depicted in it? would you 
Yes, it was done by Saint John of the Cross himself after he had seen this 
vision of Christ and Dali had a dream of it. It is  Christ.I mean Dali 
based it on St. John's own drawing.
yes, it as if the fact that he has put christ and the cross looking down, 
its as if to say christ is always watching and also maybe it shows him 
looking down over his bed as it came to him in a dream?
It's magnificent!
it beautiful, i love how he appears to be coming out of the darkness and shining 
light down upon the would under him?
I love the texture Dali puts into his paintings. Here is so well done! Great painting.
Looking down it's a wonderful way to paint in this case.
he has a beautiful use of lightness and darkness in this painting, just the show 
alone on the cross as as much attention to detail as the rest of the painting.

Apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach
this one is one of his great artworks,i just love it when he hides faces in 
other everyday things.
Again very much rooted in the Surrealistic feel. I'm not sure what the 
meaning of this multi image painting, but it's beautiful.
i think all of these painting he did lie this are all saying and showing 
that nothing is exactly what it seems and maybe the fact that people keep 
a lot of stuff hidden from each other?
Maybe you're right.
The Great Masturbator
Now to me this is the imagination of a male.
He seems to bare some of his inner thoughts, fears, personal anxieties and  
obsessions. The great masturbator. He liked this subject and he liked 
to shock, I've read his autobiography.
The hints to female body parts hidden in the painting, along with 
the two couples in each others arms.... along with the though of the woman 
appearing to be longing after the male body, seems to be the main focus. 
but i think the man walking alone in the corner is that actual main character.... 
maybe this is  all the mans own imagination of how life could have been?

Sunday, 13 September 2015

What's Going On

I have an idea, and i wanted to share it here first. For years i have 
been drawing the beatles but i really want to do some art of paul
more. I'm Not sure what kinda of art yet, but i really am going to 
try ad do this. My goal is to get Paul to personally see my art!
And for him to display it, that would be even greater to me. 
So watch this space because you will soon see what i come up with
and i will try my best to get it into the hands of the best bassist in 
the world!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Lennon On Heroin

Lennon's Addiction to the drug was said to have reached it worst 
during the Let It Be Sessions. He had very little to do with the 
band creatively, and if you can go to YouTube there are videos 
of Lennon at this time, and he is clearly 'unwell' looking tired
and sick. I am not saying all the let it be documented photos and 
videos are him in this way, but there are a few photos and videos 
where you can see some sort of drug or another is at work on the
long haired, fur coated Beatle. He put his use of the drug (apparently)
down to how other people in the Beatles and the whole APPLE circle
was treating Yoko at the time. But if this was the real reason no one
would ever know. Even though LSD was a big part of the Beatles 
and the drug movement related to them, i feel that John's use to heroin
is just as important, after all if he hadn't have taken it, we would 
never have got the great Lennon song 'Cold Turkey'! 
John Lennon went on in 1970 to describe his time in the late 60's
on this drug like this:
"Heroin. It just was not too much fun. I never injected it or anything.
We sniffed a little when we were in real pain. I mean we just couldn't -
people were giving us such a hard time. And I've had so much shit thrown
at me and especially at Yoko. People like Peter Brown in our office, he 
comes down and shakes my hand and doesn't even say hello to her. 
Now that's going on all the time. And we get in so much pain that we
have to do something about it. And that's what happened to us. We 
took H because of what The Beatles and their pals were doing to us
And we got out of it. They didn't set down to do it, but things came 
out of that period. And i don't forget!"
He also went to admit that he was still taking the drug when he 
recorded'Cold Turkey' and when he preformed it in 
September of 1969 at the Toronto Rock and Roll Revival festival! 
"We were full of junk too. I just threw up for hours till I went on. 
I nearly threw up in Cold Turkey - I had a review in Rolling 
Stone about the film of it - which I haven't seen yet, and 
they're saying, 'I was this and that.' And I was throwing up nearly 
in the number. I could hardly sing any of them, I was full of shit." 
The song Cold Turkey was released in October of 1969 and was 
rejected by Paul McCartney as a 'Beatles' song.  But Ringo did 
play drums for the track.  

Monday, 7 September 2015

MY 100th POST!

I'm surprised i got this fare! 100 posts, on next to nothing. So i'm
going to make this post about Celeste. She is my girlfriend as i'm 
sure you all know. We webcam every chance we get, and i love to
talk to her. I am not shy person i'm just quiet and i am never 
full relaxed when talking to people or being around people unless
they are close family. But i can be myself around Celeste, i don't
have to worry, or impress her, i feel like i have known her all my 
life. Her smile and her humor and her personality are really so 
cute. She really is so sweet, i know that she could do better, but 
no one would try as hard as me to make her happy. 
One day we will be living together and it will be a weird happy love
adventure, and NO ONE will understand it but us two. 
This photo was her on webcam earlier today, her smile is the 
most beautiful i have ever seen!  
My little 'Flower Power' Princess!

 Here comes Santa!

I KNOW! this is random as its only September. But i started 
making lists of things to get for my family on my birthday 
(1st Aug) And i have already got a lot of ideas. Now its the time
of year i will be cutting down on the massive number of gifts 
i have ear marked. and then i have to try and make some money, 
just enough to buy all the stuff i chose i will actually be buying.
Tomorrow i will be buying my first Christmas gifts of 2015! 
Is it wrong I'm excited? My girl Celeste decided when i asked her
what she wanted... to reply with "its to early!" No its not lol. This 
is a big deal to me, buying my family gifts is the thing i enjoy most
about Christmas!

Drive My Car!

Again i haven't been posting much again, I will start but it will be 
very random stuff, but it is my blog after all. Right so here i will
show you a little thing i found on the web. You can but a car
number plate, and have whatever you want put on it, (I think they
are mainly for decoration) Well you pick a plate you want, and then
you can put what writing you want on it. And you can make it out
of number or words. Here is the ones i made. They cost a bit to be
but they are worth it i think. I'd personally like one of each beatle
but it would cost over £100 for one of all four of them! 

Friday, 4 September 2015

Take a Seat

Its just gone 6 am on a Saturday morning, And i have been 
awake since 5:30 as i always am so i can talk to Celeste for longer 
(thanks time differences) Anyway, I found these on Twitter. 
There was a discussion about if you could really use them or not? 
I personally dont know why you would want to! they are beautiful
conversation pieces. Well to me they are. The Necks couldn't 
support the weight of someone anyway. But still imagine if
you had a game room... a mini bar in the corner, a pool table
air hockey, guitars hanging on the wall a big tv, the Wii 
connected to it, then these in there.... they would look so cool. 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Out There and Still Rocking. 

I recently saw a blog and it was on Paul McCartney's 'never ending'
Out there tour! It went on to say some very nasty comment about 
Paul and the tour.  
It even had a list titled 'Reasons Why Paul Should Give up'
Some of the reasons it listed was, His age, his singing voice, 
and a number of other things.  
I really think this is beyond stupid. It actually angered me, 
So i wanted to come here and just give my opinion on Paul still 
touring around the world. 
Paul Hasn't stopped since the days in hamburg. And his our there
tour in my eyes in the most successful venture since Beatles.
He comes out night after night touring for all his fans, sold out 
shows, and he give it his all, and he still is rocking and rolling. 
Even when he is taken away from his fans due to illness he still
makes sure that they get to see him! 
People keep bringing up his voice isn't like it was when he was
23! And that is stupid. He is now in his 70's and his voice isn't
going to be like it was when he was 23. But come on its pretty much
still the same. Even though over time i think his voice is more of 
a rock and roll singer then a mop top, i still think he is great. 
You get stupid people on talent shows (The X factor) And they
sing for a few weeks on live shows and they lose their voice. 
Paul comes out show after show and puts on a none stop action
So before some idiots start running Sir Paul Down, 
maybe they should compare him to some of todays bands,
and so called artists. They use auto tunes, cant write songs, 
cant play any instruments and cant sign live. Paul Does all these
things and very well and on top of this puts on a great show!
I cant imagine a world where Paul is told to stop touring by 
stupid nobodies, and rappers who lip sync to auto tuned
noise, and pop stars that twerk have sell out shows? 
Well it appears that is whats happening to the world!
Paul, John, Ringo & George are FOREVER they were not 
and never will be some fad pop craze. And i'm sure that
i am not the only person who will think this..... 
If Paul is still touring when he is 90 he will still be better then
any of today's nonsense music 'stars' are or ever will be.
Long Live Liverpool 
Keep Paul OUT THERE!

The REAL Smile

There are a million photos of John if not even more then that. 
But there are actually strangely there are VERY VERY FEW
photos of John giving a REAL unforced smile! And it truly is 
beautiful. I mean look at that face. Its just so cute. He really 
should have smiled more. And im not talked about mop top 
forced smiles for posters and magazine. I'm talking about naturally
smiling! And i really love it. 

Tuesday, 1 September 2015


Yet me star by saying i'm not a massive bass fan, in 
music its great, but i'm not sure i'd ever choose to own
one over a normal 6 string guitar. 

But this one is one i'd love to own. I have seen a few 
guitars in the past painted with cubism, but the detail 
in the paint paired with the fact even the neck is painted
in the exact same style.