Sunday, 28 June 2015


This is my first interview and i interviewed Anna Frawley! Actress and radio 
DJ from Poland and  the DJ of Anna's Beatle Hour on Radio Wnet!
Was it your idea to start a Beatle hour, or was it suggested to you? 
It was suggested to me. 
And in your time doing your Beatle hour, what was your highlight?
During the live show my boss who is a major radio celebrity and a huge 
fan of the Beatles visited the studio with a bottle of champagne and a 
crystal glass and we toasted together on air the third year of Radio Wnet, 
which he started. My listeners were very impressed. The American ones 
couldn't believe that we had an alcoholic drink at work. He is a very serious 
journalist and used to run the most popular radio station. Now he is a 
president of the Polish Journalists Society, but he said live on air that 
my show is his favourite. He is a true Beatlemaniac.
What music do you listen to that isn't The Beatles? 
I love many kinds of music from the classical to a very heavy rock. In 
my car it's always the rock station on and my favourite bands are 
Guns N' Roses, Led Zeppelin, the Doors, Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix 
and more, much more.
Now back to The Beatles The world is full of books and magazines 
about the Beatles. But do you ever think there will come a time where there is 
nothing more to find out about the Beatles? or do you always think there will 
be new stories coming out of the woodwork?
 I'm amazed how many photos were taken of the Beatles. I still 
come across almost daily of the ones I've never seen before. The power of 
the internet! As of the books, it must be a similar story. There are always 
people who realize it's a good subject to write about. Some maybe served coffee 
to them one day and will write a book about it, others actually have an 
interesting take on the never ending story.
In the 60's John Lennons look change many many time, but what would 
you say was his best look?
I think John looked great when he was a very young, black leather 
clad rebel, he was absolutely perfect in the "A Hard Day's Night" film 
and very nice indeed in "Help", "Rubber Soul" and the "Revolver" period, 
but I also loved him with the long hair at the time of the 
"Walls and Bridges" album.
Your husband is John Frawley a contemporary practitioner of astrolgy, do 
you get involved in that kind of thing also? 
Only when I need an answer to the exact question. The traditional astrology 
is the art and science of the question and answer not the Californian 
we see in the media. When your cat is missing you can ask the 
question and find out what happened. Not the self-indulgent me, me, me 
stuff. I'm great because I'm an Aries doesn't work.
Your husband has also written books also as an author, have you ever 
written a book? if you haven't then would you?
I was always very good at writing at school, but for some reason don't 
feel that confident these days. You never know though. I've been asked 
to co-write a book on the Beatles by a well known music biographer. It 
seems however that he wants to do one about the Rolling Stones first. Also 
I'm not sure what can we write what wasn't already written. This is coming 
back to one of your earlier questions. There are many other subjects 
though. Watch this space.
You seem to have a great amount of love and care for the animals and 
environment, and i was wondering what you think of the selfies that are 
being posted on twitter and facebook of celebs and music stars hunting 
and killing innocent animals and should facebook do more to stop this 
such thing happening?
It's absolutely disgusting! It really turns my stomach in. These excuses 
for the humans are pathetic! These animals have no chance against the
 gun caring bastards. They call it sport, but sport is about an even chance. 
Animals don't have a gun, neither do they have a pack of the crazed dogs at 
their disposal.
And Finally....What art do you find the most pleasing to you? 
I love art in general and always did. Fine art is something I am specially 
fond of and the wide spectrum of  it. I also absolutely love music, literature, 
theater, film and photography, as long as it's what I'll consider to be true.

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