Poor Animals
So its i'm sure everyone has seen all the headlines and the
stories in the news about fox hunting. I for one will come
out and say its stupid. Why the **** Would you want to
hunt and kill these lovely animals. It seems wrong that there
is one of these little guys running for their lives, just so some
hooray Henry's can have a little so called 'fun' on a Sunday
or whenever. I'd like to see how those people would feel if
they were out in their own garden and then a group of men
on horses came chasing them, wanting to kill them, then set
dogs on them. Isn't their enough violence in this world without
making more buy doing this to these innocent animals?
There is something BADLY wrong with these people who get
a kick out of doing this. These people that think its fun.
There are enough animals endangered and nearly extinct
without doing this. Even Paul McCartney said
"The People of Britain art behind this Tory government on many
things but the vast majority of us will be against them if hunting is
reintroduced. It is cruel and unnecessary and will lose them support
from ordinary people and animal lovers like myself!"
Also Guitarist Brian May said "i think you are a bunch of lying
bastard!" One of the things i have seen a LOT of the web and in
newspaper is the 'hunters' saying how its not cruel what they do!
Seriously?! How can killing an innocent being, human or animal
be anything but cruel . It seems everyone EXCEPT the hunters
themselves disagree with this, even vets. And i'm sure they would
know more about animals welfare then some twat on horses in their
velvet hats and hunting pinks!
I own and love animals and i find this deeply distressing and
disgusting. I am even more against this as two year ago one of
our horses was injured by a suspected bullet shot to the knee.
An inch lower in his leg and it would have killed him.
I hope that one day i see in the headlines that hunting will be
banned forever and that goes for all hunting, shooting or any
of the things HUMANS do to hurt the innocent wildlife and
in some cases pets.
I would love to see how many people really care. I mean really
really care. I want to see Paul McCartney, Brian may, and so on
to put on a concert just for this. (i know Brian may has done this
before) But just imagine if we could get (the two remaining) THE
BEATLES and QUEEN on stage together, plus anyone else who
would be interested in preforming! It could be like Glastonbury
music festival but FREE and even better. And all for these little
guys who cant stand up to the hooray Henry's themselves.
Have it right in Hyde park, and make sure everyone knows,
beam the festival LIVE world wide, and try and stop the hunt
for once and for all!
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