Friday, 2 October 2015


With smoking in the news a lot here in the UK recently
i wanted to do this post. Even this year i have lost a family
member to smoking. Even though that was not the actual 
cause of his death, it must have contributed to it quite strongly.
And last year i lost another family member to smoking. 
And STILL there are member of my family that smoke. 
My great grandma died a bad death because of these things. 
 Chocking to death near enough. And what shocks me the most
is people pay high prices to well actually kill themselves, 
poison themselves with these 'death sticks!'  

But i am sure the fact the beatles smoked hasn't escaped any 
fans! Just look at John and Yoko's appearance on The 
Dick Cavett Show, they are smoking most the time. 
And John even brings up the fact of chain smoking,
But it really is no surprise, he was an addictive person. 
From Dark Italian chocolate to Coffee and Tea, 
Drugs to Women. It seemed anything John liked, her liked
in excess!  And It might be a sad thing to think of but 
i have often thought about if he didn't get shot, would
he have gone the same way as poor George?

Paul also smoked to, of course, and as late as last year he was still
smoking weed. But he stopped smoking cigarettes in the early 90's.
He (along with all the beatles) pretty much chain smoked, but during
a trip to Africa, around the time of recording band on the run, 
Paul suffered an attack of some sort, causing him and his wife Linda
to think he suffered a heart attack. He slowly cut down on his smoking
habit over the following years.    

Ringo, Oh big surprise another Chain smoker. I cant actually 
find out when he quit smoking for sure, But there are hints
he stopped completely in 2010? And for a few years up 
until then he was only smoking 3 a day? If this is true or not,
i'm really not sure. But the question i want to ask is, if 
in 2001 and George died, why didn't that give him the 
wake up call to make him give up his filthy habit then?  

Sadly George was not so lucky, Smoking heavily in his
youth and the beatles days, the large amount he smoked
was to cause his sad death, He died in 2001 of cancer, 
having already battled the disease twice before, with lung
and throat cancer. Even though he gave up in 1997, it all proved
to be to little to late for the quiet one.  He underwent operations
to remove his caner multiple  times and other treatments.
(Gone but never forgotten) 

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