Sunday, 29 November 2015


A very well filmed and great movie, for MANY Beatles
fans this one seems to be the one they coat in gold 
and hold up high as the best Beatle/Lennon movie ever!
Do i agree? Yes i agree it is very very very good. But 
all of them are good in their own way. 
The movie is a drama film about John Lennon's teenage
years! And it was released in 2009.
Aron Taylor-Johnson plays John lennon! Even though he
is lacking Lennon's iconic nose and he has blue eyes, he plays
his role as Lennon very well.
And yes he is the guy in Kick Ass and Kick Ass 2.
Now for anyone that hasn't seen this movie, i would 
suggest you don't lose any time thinking about it and 
just go and watch the movie, if its on Youtube, or a rerun 
on TV or just do what i did and buy the DVD! 
But get on it and WATCH IT, you wont regret it!

A Beatles Fan Interview With Lisa

Ok so this might have been the shortest interview ever.
But that's something new.....
Who is you favorite beatle?
What was the first beatle album you owned?
Hard days night
If you could spend a day with one beatle who would it be and what 
would you do?
What is your most treasured beatle item?
My beatles pictures
How did you get into the beatles?
I was brought up with 60's music
Have you ever been to a beatles tribute show?
Yes been to tribute acts
How would you describe beatles music?
Brilliant love them
(Well that was short and to the point)

Friday, 27 November 2015


I heard about this movie, and couldn't find it on 
youtube or anywhere to watch it... I asked around
on facebook, and was told by several people it isn't
a good movie and that it isn't true to life, and so on. 
But i wanted to see it so i went to amazon and brought
a copy of it. And i was actually really surprised.
I really liked it.  
Lennon Naked is a TV film from 2010 that stars 
Christopher Eccleston (who used to play Dr Who) 
And it is based around John Lennon's life between 
1967 and 1971.  It starts at the height of Beatlemania
in 1964 where Lennon meets his farther that left him 
as a son and he hasn't seen since. And safe to say it doesn't
go to good. Then it jumps quickly to 1967 and a press 
conference about their movie Magical Mystery Tour.   
The movie continues to see Lennon's marriage break down and 
the meeting of his soon to be lover, Yoko Ono. It goes on to 
show the relationship between the two artist getting more intense,
Yoko losing their child, and the couple being busted for having 
drugs in their home. And the movie ends where the couple leave
England for good and move to america. All in All its a very good
movie. Yeah there are quite a few factual errors, BUT its a movie, 
and its a movie for beatles fan. All of these kind of movies have 
errors, so there is nothing new there. But i would suggest giving 
it a watch, you might like it, you might not? But seriously 
just give it a try, you might like it. 

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Collectors Table.

My collectors table for some of my beatles bits and bobs
is all done and finished. just need to find the right
place to put it. 

60's Rugs

Its getting weirder... we are now talking about floor rugs. 
I know it seems random but i was on ebay and i was looking for
psychedelic 60's rugs and i was actually shocked a the prices

As cool and as groovy as these rugs are, they don't start selling
for any less then the high hundreds..... and some (the first one being
the most expensive) over £3,000!!! But either way i love them. 
And maybe one day i'll own one. Maybe?

Monday, 23 November 2015

An Update

Just a little update, I have been super busy with a lot of 
stuff and also I'm working on doing some new idea's for this blog. 
So as of tomorrow i will be doing reviews on ANY films i watch, 
plus a few other regular things. So wait around and i think you
will enjoy what i have planned. 

Tuesday, 17 November 2015


Should we sell something that should always be free?
Should we put it into an App? Would people Buy it then? 
Would people want peace then?  I think its time we have an 
advert on TV about this, if not forever but at least at Christmas
and the time running up to Christmas after Christmas is about
peace and good will to all men (and women) right?  

Beatles Record Table

Ok so this table i made myself, i painted it and designed it. 
And it cost me £4 to do in all! And i am now going to tell 
you all how i made this one of a kind Beatles Table. 
So where i keep my horses there is a massive heap of old 
unwanted wood and furniture and every month or so its 
going to be set on fire and burnt. I found an old key over there 
a few months ago and made a necklace charm out of it. But 
this time i saw something that was a lot better. 
It was an old side table that was in really good condition, 
just a little wet and muddy. So i took it home to save it from
being burnt and turned to ashes. painted the table tops to look like 
records and it took no time at all and i wrote in the titles and info
on each record just like the real ones.  And to my knowledge there
is no other table the same as this! And i am going to be taking it 
straight to my room to put some beatles framed photos and other
beatles stuff on it. 

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Give Peace to Paris

I post photo edits and posters on her of The Beatles, Bob Dylan 
and so on. So surly it would be wrong of my to just ignore the 
events that happened yesterday. I was asked by Anna Frawley 
to design these headers for groups on facebook and of course, 
i said i'd do it, and i did these three posters in 10 minutes flat 
to try and get them out as quick as i can. 

Peace for Paris!

The City of Love has turned into the City of sadness over night.
Love and Peace is blown completely out the water lately, 
in a time where that seems so fare away maybe its the only thing
that would stop these terrible events all over the world. I am not 
not just talking about Paris but attacks like this are getting more 
common and its not right by any stretch of the imagination. 
I refuse to see this as an act about religion, politics or race.
All these kind of attacks are just mad bloodthirsty people killing for
the sake of it. As all wars are in one way or another. 
If as many people wanted peace as they do a new mobile phone or
a new flat screen TV then i'm sure we would have peace by now. 
How many more events like this do we have to see splashed over
the internet and every newspaper in the world before we really 
do GIVE PEACE A CHANCE. People say it would never work,
well maybe it wouldn't be no one has fully given it a chance. 
So flower power didn't work, neither did protest or anything 
like that. Surely the world can COME TOGETHER and think
of a way we can all just GIVE PEACE A CHANCE and live together
PEACEFULLY without this kind of event becoming a normal everyday 
thing! Remember Spread PEACE AND LOVE from one side of the 
world to another.

 Bob Dylan Posters

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Metal signs 

Now I'm sure your wondering why is there random photos of metal
advertising signs her? Well its my blog and i wanted to share them
that's why. 
As i think i have said on here before my cool Gan collects these great
signs. These are not ones from his collection, but just photos i have
saved in the past to my computer off facebook, google and ebay.
I have some myself (beatles signs) in my room. 

I just felt like filling this space up with these photos. Cos my Gan has a
 tablet (even if it doesn't work properly) and he might stumble across
this site and i'd if he does to be greeted by some metal signs. 

The Arty Beatles 

All the beatles in one way or another have gone down the road 
of art and painting. Today we will be focusing on all the beatles 
apart from George, even though him and his then wife Pattie Boyd 
painting the outside of the house in psychedelic scribbles.
So as well sharing some of their art i am also going to share
an interview i did with Anna Frawley on this very subject.
Whos' art do you think best shows their personality? Lennon, 
McCartney or Starr?
In a way all of them show their personality. John's art however is by 
far the most original and I think his drawings reflect his complicated 
persona in the most obvious way.
If you could buy one of their art prints who would it be and why?
I'd buy John's print as they are so much the part of the Beatles history and 
John is the dearest to me.
Would you buy a book on just the artwork of the beatles and do you 
think it should be published?
Of course I'll buy it. Yes, it should be published and no doubt it 
would be.
I saw an article on ringo's art and someone said it was rubbish 
and terrible, i personally think its very fun, but how would you  
describe it? 
Not my cup of tea.
If you could have one beatle draw a portrait of you who would 
it be and why?
John would make a caricature, but his  style appeals to me. I don't really
 relate to the abstract paintings, like Paul's, but he is quite interesting 
at times. I'd not ask Ringo.

If you could ask each of the beatles one question each about 
their art what would it be?
I can understand why John did his satirical drawings and I can 
see why the mega creative man like Paul would want to express 
himself on canvass, but Ringo I'll ask why?  If John was here today 
I'll ask him what does he think about his widow colouring his drawings. 
With Paul I'll ask him the obvious what drives him and what makes 
him happy as far as his art is concern

Do you prefer johns b&w sketches of the colored prints?
John didn't like colour in his drawings according to those who knew 
him well. His black & white drawings are by far better.
John smashed a photo he gave paul during an argument in 1969, 
it was ripped up and a cleaner put it in the bin without asking 
paul (or so i heard in a magazine) what would you do if you looked in a
 bin and saw abit of his artwork?
I'll save every scrap of it and try to put it together.

What do you think each of the beatles got out of making their art 
work personally?
for John it was an extension of his persona and kind of absolute 
necessity.  He did it all his life, in every little message or letter. 
Paul is much more of a dedicated, hard working artist and he went 
for those big canvases. He wants to show how great he is in as many
 fields as he can master. As for Ringo, it could be boredom between 
tours or the possibility of extra income? Maybe he also has a need to 
prove something or maybe it's a case of delusion of grandeur ?

Monday, 9 November 2015

A Beatle Fan Interview with Diego

Today with have an interview with  Beatle fan Diego Pratesi from Italy! 
 How did you get into the Beatles?
Since I was a kid I loved rock and a friend of mine one day said:
Listen... the song was Please Please Me and it was for me as I discovered 
the music in that moment I started to love them immediately and 
If you could work with one Beatle who would it be?
PAULLLLLLL and I got the honor to do it
If you could listen to one beatles album what one would you pick?
Out of Lennon and McCartney who in your opinion would you say is the 
better song writer?
PAUL for me was THE BEATLES!
 What is something to do with the Beatles or a Beatle that you own that 
that you would never part with?
Their autographs and of course their albums and so on.
Who's artwork was better, johns illustrations or Paul's paintings? 
If you could buy one Beatles item, what would you pick?
PAUL's guitar!
How would you describe the Beatles to anyone who didn't know 
about them?
If you don't know them you don't know music and they are 
the music! 
Have you ever met any Beatles if so who?
What is your favorite Beatles memory?
First time I met PAUL!